Category Archives: Information Architecture

Visualize your LinkedIn network with InMaps

Robert Lewis LinkedIn inMap

“InMaps is an interactive visual representation of your professional universe that answers all of the above questions. It’s a great way to understand the relationships between you and your entire set of LinkedIn connections. With it you can better leverage your professional network to help pass along job opportunities, seek professional advice, gather insights, and more.”

To access your InMap, go to

Windowshop Beta

“You’re passionate about books, movies, TV, music, and video games. Us too. Enter Amazon Windowshop–a destination for discovering what’s new and hot in the world of movies, music, and more.

We’ve taken out the text and created an immersive experience to help you lose yourself in exploration. Trailers for bestselling movies. Insight into the hottest TV shows and video games. Track samples from Tuesday’s new music releases. Audio reviews of books you should read. Amazon Windowshop lets you get a taste of many titles. They’re here – in one place – and all you have to do is move a few keys to zoom in on whatever flips your switch.”

The Bloomberg Makeover

bloomberg asked 3 top design firms to redesign the interface for Bloombergs’ main terminals. thehappycorp, IDEO and Ziba Design all contributed their versions with varying degrees of success. The entries clearly show each firms design influence in their concepts. IDEO focused more on the hardware, but with thoughtful attention to the software interface. Thehappycorp entry, while I am not familiar with the company itself, shows influences based on the happycorp website. Ziba Designs concept, in my opinion, shows little effort and is the least effective from a realistic, viable option. The other 2 could possibly be implemented effectively. See the concepts and decide for yourself.

Visual Complexity

vc_logo.gif intends to be a unified resource space for anyone interested in the visualization of complex networks. The project’s main goal is to leverage a critical understanding of different visualization methods, across a series of disciplines, as diverse as Biology, Social Networks or the World Wide Web. I truly hope this space can inspire, motivate and enlighten any person doing research on this field.”