All posts by admin

Front Elevation is the Personal Blog of the User Experience Designer Robert Lewis. This blog seeks to present items about design and technology that are both interesting and noteworthy.

Adobe Offers Ajax Toolset For Designers

While there are lots of toolkits for Ajax programmers, there’s now one for Web site designers who want to build more interactive features into their designs–Adobe Systems Inc.’s Spry Framework.

The free tool allows designers to use Spry to work with HTML and Cascading Style Sheets, which carry basic designs over from one page to the next, to come up with the kind of design they want to present to end users. Having an Ajax-based framework to help with that design allows them to build in the end-user interactions that they want.

Adobe Labs » | Spry Demos »

CSS Mastery

cssThumb.jpgCSS Mastery (Advanced Web Standards Solutions) by Andy Budd with Cameron Moll & Simon CollisonThe latest CSS tips, tricks, and techniques. An in-depth guide to browser bugs, hacks, and filters. Inspirational case study projects from two of the world’s greatest CSS masters.

Four Things…

Four TV shows I love:

  1. The Office
  2. 24
  3. It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
  4. Reality TV (Most, not all)

Four places I’ve vacationed:

  1. St. Lucia
  2. San Francisco
  3. England
  4. Hawaii

Four of my favorite dishes:

  1. Mexican – Chicken Soup
  2. American – BBQ Pork
  3. Asian – Lemongrass Chicken
  4. American – Chicken Wings

Four sites I visit daily:

  1. CNN
  2. Newstoday
  3. Commarts
  4. My Yahoo

Four places I would rather be right now:

  1. Beach – Jamaica
  2. Movie Theater – AMC
  3. Bookstore – Borders / Barnes & Noble
  4. Tennis – USTA